Category: Status

You do read this…write?

*cough* Funny pun, amIright? (If it ain't funny, please step in for  a cup of poison tea this afternoon.) No seriously though. You do read this blog? Answer below. *you go to answer yes or no* *I slap your hand away* Not yet! You got to finish reading this FIRST. First of all, I write … Continue reading You do read this…write?

Legaliation (<<See what I did there?)

Well. Hopefully, y'all are reading this.  (Hopefully? Seriously, if you're not reading this, then I'm most likely standing behind you with a sword at your neck.) Anyway, point should be reading this. I mean. Why not? (Don't you give me 'dem excuses.) Me? Sassy? No! Boy's aren't sassy! Me? A girl? Says...oh wait a … Continue reading Legaliation (<<See what I did there?)